


little star

发布者:  时间:2022-10-06 18:43:39  浏览:

little star

200110626  echo  李嘉欣

I always remember that day

When I looked up at the sky;

The stars burst into my eyes

Then I counted them one by one;

laying on the wet but soft sand

I stared up at the stars in the salty wind;

The moonlight fell on my face

Closed eyes, as if I heard their whispers;

So wonderful a night

So hard to find in modern cities;

When the melody of darkness comes

I see the tears of little stars;

Once puerile dream,

layer by layer like ripples;

I'm going to find my little star

The brightest one;

Dreaming of another summer night

A funeral with one star;

Dream of starlight appearing and dying

And cherished childhood.

版权所有:新莆京app电子游戏(中国)官网-最新版World Cup Store   地址:辽宁省大连市旅顺口区旅顺南路西段六号新莆京app电子游戏11号教学楼   邮编:116044


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